Nachrichten aus dem Himalaya

November 2024:
- Geology and Geopolitics, Nepali Times
- Nepali Times #1234, Nepali Times
- Trafficking in Kathmandu, Nepali Times
Oktober 2024:
September 2024:
- 112 dead, 65 missing in Nepal floods, Nepali Times
- When it Rains, it Pours, Nepali Times
- Once Is Not Enough, Nepali Times
- Tij Hangover, Nepali Times
August 2024:
- In a Hybrid State, Nepali Times
- Monsoon Madness, Nepali Times
- Rubber-band Chungi for the Olympics, Nepali Times
- Nepal is Going to the Dogs, Nepali Times
Juli 2024:
Juni 2024:
Mai 2024:
- Nepali Times ePaper (18. Mai 2024)
April 2024:
- Nepali Times ePaper (20. April 2024)
- Nepali Times ePaper (6. April 2024)
März 2024:
- Nepali Times ePaper (23. März 2024)
- Nepali Times ePaper (10. März 2024)
- Nepali Times ePaper (2. März 2024)
Februar 2024:
- Nepalese Humanists Preparing to Support the 3rd World March for Peace and NonViolence, Pressenza
- Nepali Times ePaper (17. Februar 2024)
- Nepali Times ePaper (3. Februar 2024)
August 2023:
- Lost and damaged, Nepali Times
Februar 2023:
- Klinkenputzen in Kathmandu, JUNGE WELT
Dezember 2022:
- On Justice for Kashmir, CounterPunch
November 2022:
- Knappe Mehrheit. Nepal nach Wahl: Bisherige "Mitte-links"-Koalition vorne. Neue Partei sorgt für Aufregung, Junge Welt
Juni 2022:
- Kathmandu versinkt im Müll, SPIEGEL Ausland
- Nepal May Move Everest Base Camp, CNN travel
Mai 2022:
- The Children of the World Pay the Bill for the Opulence of the Rich, Other News (Sprache kann im Artikel ausgewählt werden)
Februar 2022:
- Nepal: Protest gegen US-Projekte, Junge Welt
November 2021:
- Toilet-trained in Nepal - Kathmandu Inaugurates Public Latrines with Award-winning Green Design, Nepali Times
Oktober 2021:
- Climate Change Viewed from the Attic of the World, CounterPunch
- Lluvias monzónicas se saldan con 200 muertes en India y Nepal, teleSUR
Mai 2021:
- Sunderlal Bahuguna - The Anguished Voice of a Devastated Himalaya, Countercurrents Collective
März 2021:
- From the Field: Preparing for Disaster in Nepal, Human Wrongs Watch
Februar 2021:
- Prime Minister's Constitutional Coup: Nepal Heading to People's Movement III, Transcend Media Service
- Cry of the Himalaya: 4 Decades of Disasters, 4 Decades of Warning, Transcend Media Service
Jänner 2021:
- China Risks a Himalayan Water War with India, Asia Times
- Vergebliche Schlichtungsversuche - Streit in Nepal: China bemüht sich um Vermittlung und will Stabilität in der Region, Junge Welt
- Regierungskrise in Nepal, Junge Welt
- Weiterer Streit in Kathmandu - Keine Lösing für KP-internen Zwist absehbar, Junge Welt
Dezember 2020:
- Is Nepal Communist Party Heading Towards Split? Countercurrents Collective
- Systematic Collapse of the World's Largest Democracy, Asia Times
September 2020:
- Zum aktuellen Stand der Pandemie Anfang September 2020: Nepal - Leben mit dem Coronavirus, Nepal-Spirit
- Can Former Child Soldiers File a Complaint at the International Court against Nepal's Maoist Leaders? Transcend Media Service
- Massive landslide in Sindhupalchok kills 11 people, The Kathmandu Post
August 2020:
- Erdrutsch in Nepal fordert mehrere Tote,
- The Plastic Pandemic, The Nepali Times
Mai 2020:
- Local treasures: Nepal's mountain crops drive biodiversity and economic growth, UN Environment Programme
- In Between Gender and Nationalism: A Controvery Over "Nepali Women" in Amazon Web Series Pataal Lok, Countercurrents Collective
- China und Indien: Angst vor Eskalation, Junge Welt
- India-Nepal Embittered Relations: Much Beyond a Border Dispute (Part 2), Countercurrents Collective
- India-Nepal Border Issue Raked Up - Relations Strained Once Again (Part 1), Countercurrents Collective
- Nepal Confronts India in Lipulekh Border Dispute, Asia Times
April 2020:
- Nepal in der Pandemie, Junge Welt
März 2020:
- Journalism is Not a Crime... And Fake News on Social Media is Not Journalism, Inter Press Service
Dezember 2019:
- Nach Erdbeben in Nepal: Die Stupa glänzt schon wieder, Frankfurter Allgemeine
- Nepal makes first "period hut" arrest after woman dies during banned custom, Transcend Media Service
- Reservation, debate and reality in Nepal, Transcend Media Service
Oktober 2019:
- "Über Leichen gehen" - Der makabre "Wegweiser" im Wettkampf um den Gipfel des Mount Everest, NachDenkSeiten
- Nepal to ban single-use plastics from Everest by 2020, EURACTIV
September 2019:
- Nepal Maoist Leaders: The Hague Journey, Transcend Media Service
April 2019:
- World bank's double standard in Nepal, Asia Times
- Nepal assures South Asian doctors TPNW will be ratified soon, Peace & Health Blog
März 2019:
- US tries in vain to pull Nepal into its orbit, Asia Times
- NepaLeaks: On the trail of money flowing from Nepal to tax havens, then back to Nepal, ICU
Februar 2019:fileadmin/PDF/41-80449223.pdf
- Auf den Spuren von Klopapier, Plastikflaschen und Aludosen, Salzburger Nachrichten
- China sperrt Basislager für Touristen, ORF
- Venezuelan political storm hits Nepal, Asia Times
- A third of Himalayan ice cap doomed, finds report, The Guardian
Jänner 2019:
- India is driving Nepal into the arms of China, Asia Times
Juni 2018:
- Mount Everest, ein lebensgefährliches Disneyland?, Nachdenkseiten
- Fair Recruitment – It is possible!, ILO
April 2018:
- Living in the shadow of Nepal's Rara National Park, Aljazeera
- Rückschau auf halber Strecke, junge Welt
- Neuanfang im Himalaja, junge Welt
März 2018:
Breaking bonded labour and gender roles in Nepal, International Labour Organization
Februar 2018:
- Linke vereint an der Macht, junge Welt
Jänner 2018:
Dezember 2017:
- Nepal: Solo, Blind and Amputee Climbers Banned from Everest, teleSUR
- Nepal: Vom Sorgenkind zum Hoffnungsträger, Telepolis
November 2017:
September 2017:
- China and India water 'dispute' after border stand-off, BBC
- Devastating Himalayan Floods Are Made Worse by an International Blame Game, TMS
- Human Trafficking in Nepal: A Scenario, Challenges and Way Out, TMS
Juli 2017:
- 'Avoid escalation': China demands India withdraw troops from disputed Himalayan territory, RT
- Time Stands Still for Nepal’s Conflict Victims, IPS
Juni 2017:
Mai 2017:
Jänner 2017:
Dezember 2016:
- Nepal: A costly constitution, Aljazeera
Oktober 2016:
- Developing Countries Share Sustainable Development Philosophies, IPS
- No way home: time runs out for Bhutanese refugees in Nepal, IRIN
- Nepal drains dangerous Everest lake, BBC
September 2016:
Juni 2016:
- Nepal's Extinct Bird Spotted After Disappearing for 178 Years, EcoWatch
- China: Eisenbahnen auf dem Dach der Welt, Telepolis
April 2016:
- Nepal one year on: The baby pulled from the rubble, Aljazeera
- What's really holding back reconstruction in Nepal, Aljazeera
- lIn the Wake of the Earthquake: “Normal” in Nepal Spells Trouble, Global Research
- A second disaster awaits Nepal's heritage, Aljazeera
März 2016:
- Nepal agrees fuel deal with China to curb reliance on India, The Economic Times/Times of India
Februar 2016:
- Despite Nepal's pact with China, India is still its lifeline, The Times of India
- Neue Chance in Nepal, Junge Welt
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after Earthquake and Its Impact on Education in Nepal, Transcend Media Service
- India steps up pressure on Nepal, WSWS
Dezember 2015:
- Nepali farmers get climate smart, IPS
- Mapping an uncertain future..., ICIMOD
- Lakes expanding 'dangerously' in Everest glacier, BBC
August 2015:
- Lessons from the rubble in Nepal, IRIN
- Why helicopters matter in Nepal, IRIN
- Red tape tangles Nepal reconstruction, IRIN
Juli 2015:
- Key Constituencies Call for Inclusion in Nepal’s Draft Constitution, IPS
- U.N. Warns of Real Risk Nepal Will Not “Build Back Better, IPS
Juni 2015:
- Billions pledged for Nepal reconstruction – But still no dept relief, IPS
- The changing face of disaster funding, IRIN
Mai 2015:
- ICIMOD Earthquake Brief, ICIMOD
- Rapid hospital needs assessment report – Mega-Earthquake in Nepal, WHO
- Humanitarian crisis after the Nepal earthquakes 2015, WHO
- Lives at risk as Nepal earthquake funding dries up, IRIN Asia
- Nepal quake survivors' identity crisis, IRIN Asia
- The Biggest Lessons Nepal Will Take Away From This Tragedy, IPS
- No husband, no home: Migrant wives struggle in Nepal, IRIN Asia
April 2015:
- Tourism Concern macht einmal mehr auf die schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen und fehlenden Rechte der Träger in Nepal aufmerksam, pdf-Dokument
- Nepal: A Trailblazer in Biodiversity Conservation, IPS
März 2015:
- Nepal klagt über Gipfelstürmer-Exkremente am Mount Everest, Vorarlberg online
- 2015 Der queere Kampf in Nepal, Mittelbayerische
Februar 2015:
Januar 2015:
- Sexuelle Übergriffe: Nepal setzt auf Busse nur für Frauen, Spiegel online
Dezember 2014:
- Arbeiter auf WM-Baustellen: Die Katastrophe von Katar, Spiegel online
- Diskriminierung in Bhutan: Unglück statt Wachstum, Spiegel online
Oktober 2014:
August 2014:
Juli 2014:
Juni 2014:
- Kathmandu youth circus turns tables on human trafficking, BBC, 24 June 2014
- Das Leben der Sherpas am Mount Everest, Der Standard, 10 June 2014
April 2014:
- Arbeitskampf am Mount Everest, Zeit Online
- Climbers Leave Everest Amid Regrets and Tensions among Sherpas, The New York Times
- Climbing Finished for Season on Everest After Deadly Avalanche? Sherpas ask for concerns to be addressed, National Geographic
- Avalanche kills at least 12 guides in deadliest incident on Mount Everest, Reuters
- What Nepal doesn´t know about water, IPS
- Stateless in Nepal, IPS
- Nepal: In the family, The Economist
Februar 2014:
- Das neue, glamouröse Arabien und der Sklavenhandel mit Nepal, Thomas Pany, 26 Sept. 2013
- Killers Roam Free in Nepal, IPS, 29 Sept. 2013
- Letzte Maoisten-Kämpfer in nepalesische Armee eingegliedert, dpa, 27 August 2013
- A Man-Made Himalayan Tsunami?, IPS, 27 June 2013
- The Uttarakhand Disaster, Vandana Shiva, 24 June 2013
- Nepal's political mechanism recommends elections by June 18, News CN, 18 March 2013
- Nepal's Chief Justice agrees to lead interim gov't, News CN, 26 Feb. 2013
- Child Marriage Defies Laws in Nepal, IPS, 11 October 2012
- Nepal Maoist leader Prachanda opens "guerilla trail", BBC, 3 October 2012
- Nepal´s Army integration process concludes, The Hindu, 2 October 2012
- 2011 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labour - Nepal, Refworld, 26 September 2012
- Newsletter United Nations Nepal Information Platform, 29 August 2012
- Nepalese foreign work ban for young women, BBC News, 22 August 2012
- New roads bring change and danger to Nepal, BBC News, 8 June 2012
- Nepal misses pro-women constitution, IPS, 5 June 2012
Informationen zum Erdbeben in Nepal

- Informationen zum Nachbeben am 12. Mai 2015 auf
- Earthquake Video Ancient Squere, Bhaktapur & Sindhupalchowk Jalbire, Associated Press, 30. April & 4. Mai 2015
- Berichterstattung auf
- Berichterstattung auf
- Health concerns grow in Nepal quake camps, IRIN, 29. April 2015
- Why wasn't quake-prone Nepal better prepared?, IRIN, 27. April 2015
- Nepal earthquake response - updates, IRIN, 27. April 2015
- Interview mit Andreas Zinggl (Caritas) auf ORF, 4. Mai 2015
- Über 7.000 Tote, ZIB ORF, 3. Mai 2015
- "We"ve given up hope", IRIN, 1. Mai 2015
- Photo feature: Nepal outside Kathmandu, IRIN, 1. Mai 2015
- Inside the logistic hub of Kathmandu's Airport, IRIN, 1. Mai 2015
- Bericht Öko Himal von ORF Salzburg, 30. April 2015
- Landslides from Nepal earthquake, 26. April 2015 auf dem Blog der American Geophysical Union
- Fears for Nepal's 'invisible' Tibetan refugees, BBC, 27. April 2015

EcoHimal Austria Gesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit Alpen-Himalaya
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T: +43 662 829492
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