Health Care for Mountain Farmers in Nepal

In January 2016 EcoHimal launched a new project in Nepal, co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) In cooperation with our local partners EcoHimal Nepal and Phase Nepal three interventions for sustainable poverty alleviation are implemented in remote villages of East- and West Nepal.

The project contributes to improving health service, access to education and nutrition status for women and children, improving access to high quality primary healthcare services, nutritious foods and literacy and health education. Schools are supported to improve hygiene conditions and to improve disaster resilience of the local communities. The third intervention of the project focuses on knowledge management, effective communications and building organisational and community capabilities in Nepal.

The project was completed in December 2017. More than 27.000 men, women and children in remote villages of East- and West Nepal have benefitted from the project.




EcoHimal Austria Gesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit Alpen-Himalaya
Hofhaymer Allee 11/17
5020 Salzburg
T: +43 662 829492
ZVR Zahl: 886266575

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